Workshop IME on Himmunogenetics and HLA Typing
The workshop “Immunogenetics and HLA typing”, where 15 people will take part into, chosen amongs health centers staffs in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine Territories, Egypt, Albany and Maldives, will be held in Rome.
These are countries where IME Foundation, on behalf for the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, is active with a project for the hematological disease treatment and for the health system development.
The target of this workshop is to deepen the operational knowledge concerning a crucial step of the transplant procedure: the one of the genetics typing of the patient and the donor, a very important step to achieve the choice of the best donor ever.
The workshop will be held in Rome, town which is again in the center of all the activities of IME, thanks to the cooperation with Lazio Region, too.
Until the moment when they will not be obliged any longer to travl by thousands of kilometers, but they will be cured in their own country, the children will be followed in specialized centers and, together with their families, they will be hosted in qualified and functional centers.
Structures able to grant the life quality of their patients, in those steps outside the hospital, and of their companions. In this way, they may become a fundamental element of the therapy course.
IME Workshop
Friday 6th October 2006