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Report on the Mediterranean child
During the conference "Children and the Mediterranean: Health, Culture and Urban Settings", held in Genoa in January 2004, MedChild Foundation introduced the first edition of Charting the Mediterranean Child, which is a methodical analysis of the official statistics useful to understand the situation of children and teenagers in the enlarged Mediterranean area.

This survey was written together with a large research centers network of the Mediterranean countries and of the World Bank, and was updated with a second edition, introduced during the Conference in Dubai.

The map contains the following sections: demography, nutrition, health, education, economics, community.

Operational development of the Project

La Fondazione “Istituto Mediterraneo per l'Infanzia - MedChild Institute”  è nata per stare dalla parte dei bambini che vivono sulle sponde del Mediterraneo.   MedChild intende favorire l'incontro e il reciproco arricchimento tra le culture per favorire la diffusione della pace e della tolleranza tra i popoli a partire dai più piccoli, aiutandoli a crescere in un mondo migliore sia sotto l'aspetto sociale ed educativo che sotto il profilo sanitario, indipendentemente dalle convinzioni politiche e religiose.

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